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2024年考研英語一試題及答案:Part B、Part C內(nèi)容如如下:
Part B
Directions:Directions: Choose the best statement from the list A.G for each numbered name (41-45). There are two extra choiceswhich you do not nced to usc, Mark your answers on the ANSWERSHEET.(10 points)
Simplythere are people in Nigeria who cannot travel to theSmithsonian Institution to see that part of their history and culturerepresented by the Benin Bronzes.These should be available to them aspart of their cultural heritage and history and as a source of nationalpride.These is no good reason that these artifacts should be beyond theordinary reach of the educational objectives or inspiration of thegenerations to which they were left.They serve no purpose in a museum inthe Unitde States or elsewhere except as curious objects.They cannot becompared to works of art produced for sale which can be passed from handto hand and place by purchase.
We know very exact reproductions of artwork can be and are regularlyproduced.Perhaps museums and governments might explore some role for the use of nearly exact reproductions as a means of resolving issuesrelating to returning works of art and antiquities.The context of any exhibitis more important to me than whether the object being displayed is2000vears old or 2 months old.In many cases the experts have a hard timeagrecing on what is the rcal objcct and what is a forgcry.Again,the story anexhibit is trying to tell is what matters.The monetary value of the object ondisplay is a distant second place in importance.
43 Sara
When visiting the Baltimore Museum of Art,I came across amagnificent 15th-century Chinese sculpture.lt inspired me to learn moreabout the culture that it represented.Artifacts in museums have the powerto inspire,and perhaps spark that need to learn and understand the nature oftheir creators.Having said that,I do feel that whatever artifacts find theirway to public museum should,in fact,be sanctioned as having beenobtained on loan, legally purchased or obtained by treaty.Stealing artifactsfrom other peoples’ cultures is obscene;it robs not only the physicaobjects,but the dignity and spirit of their creators
Ancient art that is displayed in foreign countries by all means shouldbe returned to the original country.The foreign countries have no right tohold back returning the items.I would ask that the foreign nations and theoriginal country discuss the terms of transfer. Yes,there is the risk that the original will not have as good security as do the foreign-countries.But lookat what happened to Boston's Gardner Museum theft in 1990,including theloss of Rembrandt Vermeer,Manet and other masterpiece.Nothing isabsolutely safenowhere,and now Climate Change agitators are attackingpublicly displayed work in Europcan muscum
To those of you in the comments section who are having strongfeelings about artifacts being removed from cities in the US and Britainand returned to their countries of origin.I would ask you to consider:whydo you think Americans have more of a right to easily access the BeninBronzes than people of Nigeria?Why are people who live within a daysdrive of London entitled to go and see the Elgin Marbles wherever theywant,but the people of Athens aren't?What intrinsic factors make the Westa suitable home for these artifacts but preclude them from being preservedand displayed by their countries of origin?lf your conclusion is that theWest is better able to preserve these artifacts,think about why you'reassuming that to be true.
[A].It is clear that the countries of origin have never beencompensated for the stolen artifacts.
[B].It is a flawed line of reasoning to argue against returning artifactsto their countries of origin.
[C].Museum visitors can still learn as mush from artifacts’ copies after the originals
[D]Reproductions,even if perfectly mode,cannot take the place of theauthentic obiect
[E].The real valeu of artifacts can only be recognized in theircountries of origin rather than anywherc else.
[Fl.Ways to get artifacts from other countries must be decent andlawful
[G].Concern over security is no excuse for refusing to return artifactsto their countries of origin.
41-45答案 ECFGB
Part C
Directions: Read the following texr carefully and then translare thcunderlined segments into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWERSHEET (1O poinis)
"Elephats never forget"-or so they-and that piece of folklore seems tohave some foundation.
The African savanna elephats, also known as the Africa bush elephats.is distributed acorss 37 African counties. They move between a variey ofhabitats, including forests, grasslan woodlans,welands.(46)They sometimes travel more than sixty miles to find food or water, and are very good atworking out where other elephants are--even when they are out of sight.What is morc, they almost always seem to choose the ncarestwaterhole.(47)The researchers are convinced that the elephats always knowprcciscly where they ar in rclation to all the resources the need. and cantherefore take shorcuts, as well as following familiar routes .
Although the cucs used by African elephants for long-distancenavigation arenot yet understood, smell may well play a part.
Elephants are very choosy eaters, but until recently little was knownabouthow they selected their food.(48) One possibility was that thevmerely used their eves and tried out the plants they found, but that wouldprobably result in a lot of wasted time and energy, not least because theireyesight is actually not very good.
(49) The volatile chemicals produced by plants can be carried a longway, andthey are very characteristic: Each plant or tree has its ownparticular odor signature. What is more, they can be detected even wherthey are not actually visible. New research suggests that smell is a crucialfactor in guiding elephants-and probably other herbivores-to the best foodresources.
The researchers first established what kinds of plant the elephantspreferredeither to cat or avoid when foraging freely. They then set up a“food stationexperiment, in which they gave the elephants a series of choices based only on smell. (50) The experiment showed that elephantsmay well use smell to identify patches of trees that are good to eat. andsecondly to assess the quality of the trees within each patch. Free-rangingelephants presumably also use this information to locate their preferrecfood.
Their well-developed hippocampal structures may enable elephants.like ratsand people, to construct cognitive maps.
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